A tragic incident unfolded in a quiet Maryland suburb, where a powerful house explosion claimed the lives of a 73-year-old homeowner and a 35-year-old BGE contractor early Sunday morning. Local authorities revealed that the victims were found amidst the debris at the home on Arthur Woods Drive in the community of Bel Air, Harford County.
First responders were initially dispatched to the location following reports of a gas leak and a distinct smell of gas outdoors around 6:40 a.m. As the emergency crews advanced upon the site, distress calls of an exploded house were received, causing an immediate change in response protocol.
Oliver Alkire, a Master Deputy with the State Fire Marshal’s Office, stated that the explosion caused significant damage to nearby properties. Two neighboring houses were severely impacted, with one homeowner reporting injuries. The victim was treated on the scene by health officials. Utility workers working nearby were also injured; however, the severity of their injuries remains undisclosed.
The Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office and the BGE gas company are working together to unravel the events that led to the explosion. Sheriff’s Office has also been enlisted to assist with the on-going investigations. The investigators are keen to understand the extent of the damage and to identify the blast radius.
The Harford County Fire Department crew members and special operations teams, along with volunteer firefighters, continued to search the debris of the exploded home to locate any additional victims. It was during this search that the unfortunate discovery of the homeowner and the BGE contractor was made.
The explosion produced a considerable shockwave, unsettling nearby residents who recounted the ground shaking and the alarming sounds of the early morning blast. In an effort to avoid further casualties and manage the situation, local residents were requested by the authorities to steer clear of the disaster area.
While the incident is being thoroughly investigated, authorities have assured the public that there is no ongoing threat. A hotline has been established for Harford County residents to report information about the incident. Those who detected a smell of gas in the area or found their house damaged by the blast have been asked to share their experiences by contacting 410-838-5800.
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