In a series of moving events, the small town of Plains, Georgia, is gearing up to say goodbye to its most famous resident, President Jimmy Carter. The beloved 39th president of the United States passed away at the age of 100 on December 29, 2023, at his home where he lived with his wife, Rosalynn, for over 77 years. As the nation mourns, his final journey will reflect the life and legacy of a truly exceptional man.
The memorial services will kick off on January 4, 2024, starting at 10:15 a.m. in Americus, Georgia. Current and former Secret Service agents, in a show of respect, will carry Carter’s remains to a hearse – a solemn yet beautiful moment. As the hearse leaves Amaricus, it will pause at the farm where young Jimmy Carter spent his childhood. This is where he cultivated memories and crops like peanuts, corn, and cotton long before he stepped into the White House in 1976. The National Park Service will ring a bell 39 times to honor the 39 years Carter served as president.
Next, the motorcade will make its way to the Georgia Capitol, a place that holds deep significance for the former governor. Governors, mayors, and local officials will take part in a moment of silence, reflecting on his contributions to the state he served and loved.
Following his time at the Capitol, the motorcade will stop at The Carter Center, founded by the president in 1982. During this time, Carter will lie in repose at the lobby of the presidential library and museum from the evening of January 4 until 6 a.m. on January 7. This center has been a hub for humanitarian efforts and conflict resolution, capturing the heart of a man who continuously sought to make the world a better place.
On January 7, the president’s body will be transported to Dobbins Air Reserve Base, taking a special flight known as Special Air Mission 39 to the U.S. capital. Once there, a hearse will escort him to the U.S. Navy Memorial, honoring another chapter of his life as a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy.
In a fitting tribute, a horse-drawn caisson will carry Carter’s casket from the Navy Memorial to the U.S. Capitol. He will become the 13th U.S. president to lie in state, joining the ranks of esteemed leaders, including Abraham Lincoln. From January 7 to January 9, members of the public will be able to pay their respects while a military honor guard stands watch.
The morning of January 9 will feature a moving service at the iconic Washington National Cathedral. President Joe Biden is expected to deliver a heartfelt eulogy, sharing words that will resonate with many who admired Carter’s dedication to service, compassion, and humanity.
After the service in Washington, Carter’s remains will be flown back to Georgia, making the final trip to his hometown of Plains. The community, filled with both sadness and gratitude for their neighbor, will have the opportunity to pay their desperate last respects. A private funeral will be held at Maranatha Baptist Church, where Carter taught Sunday School for years.
As his hearse rolls through downtown Plains, Navy airmen will perform a flyover in a missing man formation – a touching tribute in honor of a man who always respected and loved his country. Finally, he will be laid to rest next to his beloved wife, Rosalynn, near a peaceful pond – a serene final chapter in the remarkable life of President Carter.
The nation may have lost its oldest living president, but the legacy he leaves behind is vibrant and alive in the hearts of many. President Carter’s journey from Plains, Georgia to the White House will forever inspire those who follow in his footsteps.
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